Syrian Youth Assembly is now project partner Go4DiGREEN
The Go4DiGREEN digital vocational training program aims to improve the situation of European refugees by measurably and sustainably increasing the digital and entrepreneurial skills of this target group.
Refugees have great potential to contribute to society and to the ambitious goals of the EU Green Deal. You can significantly advance the transformation to climate neutrality and become climate ambassadors in third countries.
Taking into account core EU principles such as accessibility and inclusion and contributing to the European Green Deal, the project consortium will develop accessible and needs-based training materials on green entrepreneurship.
Go4DiGREEN is an innovative and rapid response to the changing operational context due to the pandemic and climate change as two major factors in shrinking humanitarian space.
The project goes beyond existing solution mechanisms to address humanitarian challenges and integrate people who have been forced to flee their homes.
Go4DiGREEN shifts the focus from basic economic inclusion to refugee empowerment, where they will be able to fulfill their potential and contribute as entrepreneurs to local economic and Green Deal development.
Go4DiGreen alongside the European dimension of the project is an innovation that has the potential to be replicated around the world, where its impact will be multiplied.
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views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Go4DiGreen represents an economy that works for the people, resources fit for the digital age, and fostering refugee entrepreneurship as a stronger and
more resilient response to recent humanitarian challenges.
The core components of the project are based on a person-centred approach with a focus on accessibility and capacity building:
1) Design Thinking: Digital guidelines to empower potential green entrepreneurs for the target group of vocational trainers.
2) A certification system – European Green Entrepreneur for the target groups of entrepreneurs and vocational trainers – “ECQA Certified Refugee Entrepreneurship Trainer in Green Economy”.
3) Accessible learning materials to become a Certified European Green Entrepreneur – “ECQA Certified European Green Entrepreneur” The target group are refugees and migrants and people who want to acquire digital skills and qualifications as entrepreneurs in the green economy.
4) A digital vocational training platform – Green Entrepreneur for refugees and migrants as well as for people who want to acquire digital skills and qualifications as entrepreneurs in the green economy.
The expected impact is to empower refugees to become European green entrepreneurs so they can contribute to the Green Deal goals: Europe needs a clean and circular economy with more recycling, sustainable and smart mobility and greener products in our stores .
The project is carried out by the consortium led by Blickpunkt Identity in Austria in partnership with Koena in France, the European Certification and Qualification Association and MGL Video in Austria, the Syrian Youth Assembly eV in Germany and the Bulgarian Council on Refugees, and Migrants in Bulgaria carried out.
More information at .

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.